Dear Western Christian Families,

As we attend the final events of the year and send off our high school graduates to the country's finest universities, we have a tremendous opportunity to give Glory to God.  Only for Him is Western Christian seeking to become one of the world's top schools and only through Him have our students accomplished amazing things.  God is continually blessing us and I wanted to recap some of the progress that He has allowed WCS to make this year.

21st Century Classroom Initiative

The 21st Century Classroom Initiative began a few years ago with funds raised for iPad labs at each of our campuses.  I want to thank those of you who have supported and given to this cause over the recent years.  As funds have continued to come in, amazing tools have been added for our students. Here are some of the things that were put in place this school year.

  • New iMac computers were purchased for our high school computer lab.  This has allowed us to modernize and expand the curriculum of our technology and media courses in order to engage, inspire, and equip our students to become the pioneers of the future.  The computers that were replaced were relocated to the library creating a second lab for our high school.
  • Interactive whiteboards were installed K-2 just before the start of this school year effectively completing our goal to equip each classroom K-8 with this tremendous instructional technology.  Teachers have a new level of innovation and freedom in the classroom and students are engaged and enlivened like never before.
  • The high school acquired new science data collection equipment. This technology will provide new ways for students to collect, analyze, and share data from their experiments. With these tools in the hands of our students, we are developing the next generation of Christian doctors, scientists, and engineers.

Security Cameras

If you've been on the Claremont campus lately, you may have noticed the newly installed security cameras.  Recently, the local Police Department held a special meeting to discuss the increase in parking lot break-ins throughout the city of Claremont.  The safety of our students is a top priority.  As such, WCS has been raising money for safety and security over the last few years via the Spell-A-Thon fundraiser. This year's Spell-A-Thon brought in $17,668.64 of which a portion was used for the installation of these new cameras.  This surveillance system will not only serve as a theft deterrent but will also provide us with valuable information about the happenings on our campus 24 hours a day.

Multi-Purpose Building

Plans for our multi-purpose gymnasium building and athletic fields at the Claremont campus continue to move forward. We are currently working with our neighbors and the city of Claremont to prepare our project for final submission and approval. Please continue to pray with us as we hope to break ground on the project in the coming year.

Legacy Dinner Auction

Our God is amazing! The 2013 Legacy Dinner Auction brought in nearly $84,000. I can't thank you enough for the love that you have shown in helping provide financial assistance to students in need. I know that the Lord will accomplish unfathomable things through your family and those who you have helped come to Western Christian.

God bless you all,

Blair A Bryant
Western Christian Schools

Western Christian